Description:Ren (played by Ryusei Yokohama) arrives from overseas to work as a special visiting lecturer at an art university in Kamakura. Ren is a young genius artist, possessing an allure that draws everyone in while maintaining a mysterious charm that keeps people at a distance. Like butterflies swarming a flower, there are always people around him. Despite his talented and seemingly adept life that meets everyone’s expectations, he holds a feeling of near-resignation towards those around him. However, an encounter with a certain woman begins to stir his emotions.
Description:Madarame Baku is a mysterious gambler. His nickname is Usogui (literally The Lie Eater). Club Kakerou is the top illegal gambling den, where gamblers vie to become the best in their profession. Seeing through the lies of others, Madarame Baku challenges a variety of high stakes games at Club Kakerou.
Description:A mother searches for her missing son after a devastating calamity, only to realize that she has died and is now confined to a realm of restless spirits.
Description:A tragic accident lead to Kaori's blindness, but she clings to life and the smaller pleasures it can still afford her. She meets Rui and begins to talk to him. Rui was once a promising kickboxer, but something happened in his past. Kaori's smile brings out a change in Rui. However, the two are connected in more than one way. Rui attempts to do what is right.